Visiting Hospital Rooms
Our volunteers visit patients in
hospital rooms every day. They offer a listening ear, a warm meal,or sometimes, time more pleasantly.

Shabbos Meals

Spending Shabbos in a hospital feels like a double ordeal. Typically, Shabbos is the most restful, pleasurable day of the week, but in a hospital, it’s hard to enjoy the beauty of the day. Yad Ephraim is determined to bring as much comfort to patients on the Shabbos day as possible. We provide two beautiful Shabbos meals, as well as cake and coffee on Shabbos mornings and fruits and snacks in the afternoon. Our volunteers visit the patients throughout the day, checking to see whether they lack anything or can be helped in any way.

Unlike the rest of the week, when it’s easy for a patient’s loved ones to visit, Shabbos involves particular challenges. Because most of the patients are observant, their families and friends cannot travel by vehicle if they live a distance away. To accommodate this exigency, Yad Ephraim has various guest houses in the vicinity of the hospital, which we make available to families of patients.

Our guest houses are furnished cozily and are equipped with all necessary conveniences. We provide the guests with the same delectable meals and snacks that we serve the patients. Additionally, if guests have specific requests, we do everything we can to accommodate them. We also arrange minyanim in the hospital, so that those who don’t want to leave can daven on premises.

Take part in Yad Ephraim’s Shabbos Program, and share in the double mitzvah of bikur cholim and Shabbos kodesh. Click here to offer your support.

Have a family member in the hospital over Shabbos?
Yad Ephraim provides freshly cooked Shabbos meals for every patient who is bound to a hospital bed over Shabbos. Just click on the e-mail link below to provide patient details, name and room number. Yad Ephraim will take care of the rest. Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
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